Hringbraut Walkways

The Icelandic Road Administration
Studio Granda and Línuhönnun (now Efla)

Pedestrian bridges and a network of paths for walking and biking. The longest bridge is 169 m with a max. span of 27.5 m, but the thickness is only about 70 cm. The bridge over Hringbraut to the National Hospital is an 86-metre sharp curve with endpoints parallel to the major thoroughfare it crosses.

The bridges are all post-tensioned and cast-in-place to allow efficient construction work without the need for scaffolding interrupting the traffic underneath them. The distinctive, long curves and gentle grades serve to connect the network of paths with maximum efficiency and comfort for pedestrians and bikers. The material is especially light-colored concrete and galvanized steel, for a bright and airy design.

The bridges won various wards for design, engineering, and craftsmanship, including the Concrete Awards 2010 and the Icelandic Road Authority’s special prize for exceptional project 2005-2007.

Þessi síða notar vafrakökur.